Monday, April 27, 2009

Question, Answer, More questions....

What percentage of Americans are suffering from obesity? Why is that?

A study done found that 1/3 of American adults are obese in 2005-2006. In these statitistics 33.3% were men and 35.3% were women. People aged 40-59 were the highest age group suffering from obesity. Non-Hispanic Black women were among the ethnicity group that suffered the most with obesity at 53%. These rates are alarming. Childrens rates are 17% for children ages 12-19 and 19% for children ages 6-11.

Obesity is believed to be because of "genetic, metabolic, behavioral, psychological and environmental (social and cultural) factors." More research however has to be done in order to back this hypothesis.

Additional info-
Obesity is the second leading cause of unnecessary death in the United States.

Additional questions-
Why is it that Americans do nothing to stop these growing trends?
Can obesity be stopped?
What do health insurance companies do about obesity?
Are Americans aware of the percentage of obesity in the U.S.?
What are some foods that should definitely be avoided?
What are the health effects of obesity?

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