Saturday, February 7, 2009

Amazing Journey Of Life

Mother A starts her pregnancy in her late teens. She works two jobs all through her pregnancy and still attends school. All through her pregnancy she was alone, scared, and troubled. At the time of her water breaking, she felt anxious and scared. "What was it going to be like bringing a child into this world? Could she take care of it? What would happen if she couldn't?" were just osme of the thoughts running through her mind. She went with her boyfriend's mother and uncle to the hospital after her water broke only to be sent back home. She asked the nurses at the hospital "How can you send me back home when a baby is about to pop out of me?" After arguing with the nurses she went back home. Upon arrival at the house her contractions began to be 7 minutes apart so she went back. They put her in a room and gave her ice chips to eat. (Note. Ice chips are disgusting.) When she was 10 centimeters dialated she began to push. The room was crowded with doctors and it was a very long birth. The DOL (duration of labor) was about 15 hours. After the birth she was happy and hopeful. She got to bond with the baby for about 10 minutes before they took it away. It was a natural birth and she was in the lithotomy position. She said it was definitely worth every second of it and that even though it hurt she would repeat the experience again.

Mother B was feelling happy, tired, and emotional all throughout her pregnancy. Although she does not remember all the details from the day of birth, she remembers how much the contractions hurt. The worst part of her pregnancy was the morning sickness and the best part was her child. When I asked her if it was worth all the pain and embarassment she said "It definitley was." She had a natural birth and was in the lithotomy position. Her husband and her doctor and nurse were the only people in the room. She described the atmosphere as calm and relaxing. It helped that her husband was being really supportive and helping her through the contractions and actual birth. The DOL was about 2 hours. She got to hold her son for about 10 minutes after they cleaned him. He was wrapped in that famous hospital blanket that she still has for memories. After the birth she was happy, tired, and feeling emotional again. It kind of shows us that pregnancy is a cycle of feelings.
P.S. She was telling me all of this as she was screaming at her child. I'll let you think what you want about that.

Mother C says that at the beginning of her pregnancy she was overwhelmed with nerves. Towards the middle, she began to feel oversensitive. In the end it was painful and she was "shittin in her pants." Her birth story begins at her cousin's house where she was spending the night. Along with her was her neice who was thrilled and wanted to be with her aunt every step of the way. In the middle of the night she awakens to find herself in a wet bed. Knowing that she did not pee just leaves one possibility, her water broke. She wakens her cousin screaming about having to get to the hospital. Her cousin not having any kids of her own is confused and frantic. They call her sister-in-law to come get her so they can go to the hospital. Now during all this commotion her neice was still deep in sleep. When she arrived at the hospital she was extremely nervous. Her sister-in-law wouldn't let her sit down saying that she would dilate faster if she stood up. In pain and tired of carrying this weight around, she became cranky. When it was time to begin the process of birth, she learned that her doctor was a beginner. Her room was filled with doctors, nurses, and two supportive famly members. It was extremely stressful and embarassing to have so many people staring at her with her legs open. She was in the lithotomy position and it was a natural birth. Her DOL was 11 long hours. The worst part of the pregnancy were her contractions and the best part was getting to hold her child. When asked if it was worth all the pain, she said it definitely was. After all of this she felt depressed, confused, it was a big change (post partum depression). She got to hold him for like 5-10 minutes like Mother A and B.

Other Perspective of Mother C
I got to speak to someone who was in the delivery room of Mother C. She described to me her perspective of the birth and the atmosphere of the room. She stated it was the doctor's first delivery and that the doctor was confused and asking for advice the whole time. The birth went from beautiful to nastyin a matter of seconds. The baby was a nine pound child and the doctor couldn't manuever the baby's head or shoulders out of the vagina. The doctor did not perform an epiziotomy leaving the patient to tear naturally. It was an extremely blotchy birth. Since it was her first time delivering a baby it was also her first time stitching the vagina from the tear. It was extremely nasty and there was much more blood then their needed to be. She said it was very nasty and she wouldn't want to repeat the experience.

Mother D hated being pregnant. She felt miserable but excited at the same time. The experience was more stressful for her due to the fact that she was a high risk pregnancy. She had a brain tumor at the time and was therefore monitored even more than most women. The story of her pregnancy goes like this. She had just come home from Bennigans when she began to feel cramps. She started timing them and they were about 20 minutes apart. She called the doctor and the doctor said when they were about 5 minutes apart, she should head out to the hospital. Mother D replied that she was a high risk pregnancy and did not want to risk it. She went to the hospital and found out that she was dialated 5 centimeters. That is half of the required dialation. The doctor asked her to walk around in order to help move the birth futher along. Mother D walked around for about 2 1/2 hours and then became tired. She went to her room and the nurses broke her water. Due to the amount of screaming pregnant women in the hospital, she became nervous and decided to ask for the epideral which is not recommended when you are 7 centimeters dialated because you are almost done. She relaxed and slept. The doctor came in for one last checkup before she went home and found that Mother D's baby was already crowning. She hadn't felt the contractions because of the epideral. They induced her and had no time to get in gowns. She began to push. Her daughter was born in less than 10 minutes. They let her hold her for about 5 minutes then took her to the nursery to run all those tests. (Note. She was wrapped in a hospital blanket) The mother was not at all happy about the recovery room. It was just a bunch of mothers who had just given birth and "where all dirty and whiny". From there she could not see the baby for another 5 hours but she did get to go home early. She was in the lithotomy postition during the birth. The atmosphere was described as calm and private. Her DOL was 10 hours. The part of her labor that she wished had not happened was when blood was squirted all over the doctor's unmasked face. Can we say embarassing? All in all it was worth all the pain that she went through.
P.S. She was also screaming at her child to clean their room as this interview was in progress.
P.S.S After the baby was born, the tumor started to shrink and then disappeared. Til this day it has not reappeared.

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